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Meridian Adhesives Group - The Science of Solutions

Clear, Easy-Mix Epoxy With Flexibility Properties

With a balance of properties not found in most adhesives, our clear, easy-mix 20-3237 epoxy is ideal for a wide range of potting, bonding and encapsulating applications.

These properties,including flexibility, low exotherm and long working time, allow theepoxy to work in applications that typically favor silicone or urethane.

  • Good flexibility. 20-3237’s flexibility fights vibration and mechanical shock in applications such as LED lights and optical electronics.
  • Low exotherm. This epoxy’s low exotherm is useful for applications with heat-sensitive potted products like delicate electronics.
  • Long working time. The 20-3237’s long working time—and low exotherm—helps larger-potted sections achieve a pot life of up to 8 hours.

In addition, the 20-3237epoxy provides thermal shock and impact resistance, and exhibits lowstress and shrinkage during polymerization.
