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Meridian Adhesives Group - The Science of Solutions

TriggerBond® Epoxies Mix Right And Cure Fast

One of the biggest pain points when applying two-part adhesives involves mixing mistakes. Even the most careful workers will make errors when combining the adhesive components, which can result in cure problems, excess shrinkage and loss of physical properties. Fortunately, there’s a foolproof way to avoid these costly mixing errors.

Our TriggerBond® system packages an adhesive’s two components into their own cartridges, which fit in a dual-barrel dispensing gun. Because the cartridges contain precise quantities of the hardener and resin, TriggerBond produces the perfect mix ratio every time you squeeze the trigger. And with cartridge volumes ranging from 50 to 400 ml, TriggerBond addresses prototype through production volumes.

Not every adhesive or potting compound lends itself to TriggerBond packaging, but many do. Among the most popular are our family of fast-cure epoxies, each with a different setting time:

  • 10–3005 sets in 5 minutes.
  • 10–3020 sets in 20 minutes.
  • 10–3046 sets in 46 minutes.

All three cure at room temperature and work with a wide variety of metal, ceramic and polymer substrates in electronics, industrial and jewelry applications. They’re available in black or clear as well as in different consistencies—such as high viscosity and non-sag.

With shear strength up to 1,500 psi and notched Izod impact of 2.7 ft-lb/in, all three epoxies offer high-bond and impact strengths for structural bonding applications.

For a more detailed look at physical properties and application instructions, download the Fast Cure Epoxies Technical Bulletin.  Or contact us for a free sample today.
