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Meridian Adhesives Group - The Science of Solutions

About Us

Epoxies, Etc., an ISO 9001:2015 registered company, is a leading formulator of specialty epoxies, urethanes, silicones, and UV curable systems. Since opening our doors in 1987, we have taken great pride in our commitment to the research, innovative development, and consistent manufacturing of materials for today’s demanding applications.

Our adhesives, potting and encapsulating compounds, and coatings are widely used in the electronic, electrical, construction, and decorative industries. We have thousands of existing epoxy, urethane, and silicone formulations, but specialize in creating custom formulations for your specific needs. Our hands-on approach and creative, experienced technical staff are paramount to ensuring your satisfaction, as we will work directly with you to determine the perfect product for your application.

Our state-of-the-art research and development laboratory is constantly testing and designing new products, while our modern production facility ensures fast processing, 100% shelf life, and worldwide shipping capabilities. We are responsive, capable, and easy to do business with.

Fill out a product selection form, order a sample, or give us a call at +1 (401) 946-5564 to see how Epoxies, Etc. can meet your needs.
